Sara Borean, UI/UX Designer


How to Find Focus in a Distracted World


It’s monday morning.

The alarm rings.

What do you do?

Do you find yourself pressing the snooze button, or checking your phone?

The reality is that our alarm clocks have been replaced by our cell phones—except for me, because I have one that shakes the bed (you can check it out here). And, if you have read my post “How do you Spend your Quality TIme,” I ensure that my cell phone is out of reach to avoid using it too much.


Upon rising, focus on yourself for half an hour. Don’t check your emails, messages, or social media updates—your phone.

It won’t be easy, and it will probably feel awkward. It may even feel empty—but let’s look on the positive side. You’ll have more time to do the things you’ve always wanted to do, like making breakfast, coffee, reading your book, or walking an extra 10 minutes. Looking at your phone is time-consuming and can blur your focus for the day. Be in the present moment, and take the time to get ready for the day.

Tip: You can do this in gradual steps if you can’t afford an actual alarm clock, by starting with just 10 minutes and working your way towards 30.


Let’s just say that you were using your phone upon rising—you would have wasted at least 15 minutes of your day. But the good news? You now have 15 minutes to do the things that empower you to get the right head-start on the day.

To name a few:

Read your favourite book
Make a smoothie or juice
Make lunch


I learned the 3 R’s of Habit Change from Charles Duhigg’s best–selling book, The Power of Habit.

1. Reminder

2. Routine

3. Reward

I thought to myself, “5 minutes to remind yourself to form a new habit.” It can be as simple as flossing your teeth, smiling at yourself in the mirror, or deep breathing. The rewards may not be materialistic, but what you can do in 5 minutes is priceless.

My Story: I have been mediating for 4 minutes—which was game-changer because I thought you had to meditate for 20 minutes to feel more ease—but I was wrong. 5 minutes is plenty of time to re-focus.

I hope I’ve inspired you to find focus in a distracted world by implementing these powerful changes upon rising and before bed. You’ll start to notice positive shifts in your life—like more time for self-love, happiness, more focus, and clarity.

You’ll start to fall in love with yourself—that missed phone call or multiple messages can wait.