How Great Design Make Great Business
Do you want to increase your brand visibility by 200%?
Want to turn people’s heads when they see your postings?
Make great impressions on those prospective customers?
There’s no way around it: great design means great business. Anyone who is an upcoming entrepreneur sees design as an investment. The smart ones start planning and create a foundation of their brand. While others learn the hard way by being ‘cheap’ and realize how important design is when theirs isn’t good. Don't make this mistake.
Personal branding is a full time commitment to the journey of defining yourself as an entrepreneur and how this will shape the way you serve others. Good design isn’t about how the banner looks on your website or your social media platform—design is about how you perceive yourself.
Design is often used as a noun— the look and feel of a final object such as a website, business cards, or an event. However, design creates the most value to a business when it’s used as a verb—the process of developing an idea.
Your business is more than how it looks—it’s how you feel. Energy is a powerful thing—people can smell fear and insecurity from a mile away. Therefore, if you have an amazing website with no real purpose—they will smell it. In conclusion, you’ve got to make the commitment that you’re in this business for the long haul.
Here's are the 5 C's that will help you design business you love.
Before starting anything, you gotta have the confidence in your abilities and skills. You must let go of self-doubting thoughts such as: Who will believe me? How is my idea different than this person’s? I'm too old. I don't have time. It's too much work. Confidence in your ideas and abilities is the single most important factor to massive success. You must believe in yourself, or fake it until you make it.
Starting something new is one of the biggest challenges in life, whether it’s moving to a new place, changing a career, or launching an online program. The one resource that is required that is simple in concept but difficult in practice: courage.
In the past year, there have been times where I faced fear and had to find the courage to do something that was difficult and scary. Courage comes from a burning desire to make your own path and not be subject to the whims of your parent's advice, boss’s decisions or a job loss.
The thought of fear or failure is in our heads. It's not real—it means that we're scared! Failure means that you're doing something right.
Allow yourself to dream really big—what do you REALLY want for your life? Who do you want to serve? How committed are you? Clarity is all about knowing where you stand in your business, making goals and putting them into action. It's about asking the right questions and getting clear on your mission. As a result, you are much more likely to take the right actions to achieve your goals.
Open your heart. Connect with your tribe. And more importantly, rope your mind and spirit into what you're doing.
Although I have been in the design industry for about 7 years, it wasn't until last year when I made the change. I went from having a portfolio 'hire me if you want' strategy to a 'how can I serve' strategy for entrepreneurs who want to create a killin' business.
Connect with people who have the same dreams as you do. Connect with people that inspire you. Connect with people who will challenge you and speak the truth. You don't want to be in this business alone. Connect and collaborate with others so that we all make it.
In order to keep your business thriving, you’ve got to be consistent. Don't wait until the last minute for that blog post or project. Schedule a time in your day to work on your business—whether it's working on a client's project, blog post, reading... You must allow ample time for yourself to complete your work in an orderly manner.
When I started my business, I wanted to blog to share what I know about branding and design. I made a commitment to write my blog posts every Monday to stay consistent.