3 Tips to Improve your Brand Presence
I have to admit that thus far I’ve been inspired by leadership and getting to the core of your desired feelings to create a business you love. To switch things up, today I’m going to talk about how to improve your brand presence in three soundproof ways.
My intention is to help you understand what you’re looking for in your business. Because I believe we’re all creative in our own ways, and that all we need to do is simplify what we already have into something better. That’s what design is all about—experimenting, trial and error, and figuring out what works BEST for you. It’s not about reinventing the wheel or becoming, because really, all you have to do is be.
Working on your business - and getting to the next level - you will probably find yourself changing your business structure because you get clear, and gain clarity. Depending on who you work with, a good designer will give you their perspective on what makes a brand extremely powerful. They may also clarify your business vision, and refrain from adding what is not absolutely necessary in the first place. Just so we’re clear, this is NOT to tell you that what’s not absolutely necessary is wrong, rather, it’s just a way to view your business vision in a different light.
For example: Your ‘about’ page
There have been multiple times when I had to work on a client’s bio page for their website and found it very business-oriented. I always encourage my clients to understand that personality can merge with business, and can be what helps to set you apart from your competitors. People care more about your story than how many awards you’ve received (advice: it should be in the background, not an in-your-face-type of thing).
Do this: If you have a website, re-read your ‘About’ page from a reader’s point of view.
And if you don’t have one—write one right now. Once you finish, ask yourself these questions:
● What strikes me about this person?
● Would I want to work with this person?
● Do I relate to his or her story?
● Did she/he go through the same struggles as I did?
Understand that this term is used a lot and can be interpreted in many ways. However, we do know that it basically means to eliminate what does not matter to make more room for what does. This indicates that beauty does not need to be overstated or decorative—the overall effect should be fresh, clean and neat.
For example: Your website’s home page
A lot of home pages that I’ve visited either provide too little or too much information about what you do. Your homepage is a key asset to your overall brand—if it doesn’t explain the idea of what you do in less than 6 seconds, your customer is long gone. It’s essential that your homepage contains enough intriguing information that your customers will want to come back for more.
Ask yourself these questions to help you simplify:
● What feelings do I want my tribe to feel when they meet me (or when they visit my website)?
● Why am I doing what I’m doing?
● Am I living and attracting those core desired feelings (from question 1) in my life? And does it show?
● Am I clear with my intentions?
Inspire to Inspire
You have a business for a reason—and that’s great. All I’m saying is, don’t start something just because you think it has to be done. We’re in an era where everyone has blogs, websites and/or social media. Use these platforms to inspire people, rather than telling them what you do.
● Where is my tribe hanging out? Is it on facebook, Twitter, Linkedin?
● Do I understand my tribe and what they’re doing?
● Which platform do I feel most comfortable with?
● Which platform do I feel unease with?
Ask yourself: what is it about this platform that makes me feel uncomfortable? Do I understand what this platform does or what it can do? Who do I know that loves this platform that can help me?
Remember, this is your business. You can do what you want. Of course, it is a two way street—it needs to serve your clients—but you do not have to do things that you do not want to.
For example: I first started blogging as a way to give something valuable to my tribe—to improve their brand, design and business. I always had a newsletter sign-up but wasn’t quite ready to e-blast. I waited a few months until I felt ready (true fact: you’re never ready, you just have to do it).
The goal is to find a balance between what you want to do and what your tribe needs. You don’t need to have every account set up—simply do what is right for that given time.